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.NET(C#) 查找打印机指定打印机名称打印代码(PrintDocument)



 public void Print(string PrinterName)    {      PrintDocument doc = new PrintDocument();      doc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = PrinterName;      doc.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(PrintHandler);      doc.Print();    }    private void PrintHandler(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs ppeArgs)    {      Font FontNormal = new Font("Verdana", 12);      Graphics g = ppeArgs.Graphics;      g.DrawString("Your string to print", FontNormal, Brushes.Black, xpos, ypos, new StringFormat());    }


public IEnumerable GetPrintDrivers()        {            var dirvers = new List();            //Query printer's portName from WIN32_Printer            string query = string.Format("SELECT * from Win32_PrinterDriver");            var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);            ManagementObjectCollection managementObjects = searcher.Get();            foreach (ManagementObject managementObject in managementObjects)            {                var name = managementObject.Properties["Name"].Value;                dirvers.Add(name.ToString());            }            return dirvers;        }


public class PrinterCommunicate    {        public bool CheckNetWorkConnection(string strPrinterIP, int intPrinterPort)         {           System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient Zebraclient = new TcpClient();           try           {               Zebraclient.Connect(strPrinterIP, intPrinterPort);               return Zebraclient.Connected;           }           catch           {               return false;           }        }        public bool SendZPL_ViaNetwork(string strPrinterIP, int intPrinterPort, string strPrinterCommand, out string strOutMsg)        {            strOutMsg = "";            System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient Zebraclient = new TcpClient();            try            {                Zebraclient.SendTimeout = 1500;                Zebraclient.ReceiveTimeout = 1500;                //defining ip address and port number                Zebraclient.Connect(strPrinterIP, intPrinterPort);                if (Zebraclient.Connected == true)                {                    //send and receive illustrated below                    NetworkStream mynetworkstream;                    StreamReader mystreamreader;                    StreamWriter mystreamwriter;                    mynetworkstream = Zebraclient.GetStream();                    mystreamreader = new StreamReader(mynetworkstream);                    mystreamwriter = new StreamWriter(mynetworkstream);                    mystreamwriter.WriteLine(strPrinterCommand);                    mystreamwriter.Flush();                    char[] mk = null;                    mk = new char[256];                    mystreamreader.Read(mk, 0, mk.Length);                    string data1 = new string(mk);                    strOutMsg = data1;                    Zebraclient.Close();                    return true;                }                else                {                    strOutMsg = "Connection failed";                    return false;                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                Log.WriteLogToFile("IPP_PCL", "PrinterCommunicate.cs -- SendZPL_ViaNetwork", "-99", ex.Message);                strOutMsg = "EXCEPTION_ERROR";            }            return false;        }    }


class PrinterPropertyManager    {        ///         /// 获取打印机的IP地址和端口号        ///         /// 打印机名称        public KeyValuePair GetPrinterIPAndPort(string printerName)        {            string port = GetPrinterPropertyValue(printerName, "PortName");            //Query portName's property from regedit            string[] portQuerys = GetPortQuerys(port);            foreach (var portQuery in portQuerys)            {                RegistryKey portKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(portQuery, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.Default,                                           System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights.QueryValues);                if (portKey != null)                {                        /*                                      * 取IP的时候要特别注意,如果端口类型为"Advanced Port Monitor",那么IP地址会保存到IPAddress属性中                                                  * 如果端口类型为"Standard Tcp/Ip Port",那么IP地址会保存到HostName属性中。                         */                    object IPValue = portKey.GetValue("IPAddress", String.Empty,                                          RegistryValueOptions.DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames);                    object portValue = portKey.GetValue("PortNumber", String.Empty,                                           RegistryValueOptions.DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames);                    if (IPValue != null && portValue != null)                    {                        return new KeyValuePair(IPValue.ToString(), (Int32)portValue);                    }                }            }            return new KeyValuePair();        }        ///         /// determine whether the printer is network printer.        ///         public bool IsNetWorkPrinter(string printer)        {            string port = GetPrinterPropertyValue(printer, "PortName");            //Query portName's property from regedit            string[] portQuerys = GetNetWorkPortQuerys(port);            foreach (var portQuery in portQuerys)            {                RegistryKey portKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(portQuery, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.Default,                                           System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights.QueryValues);                if (portKey != null)                {                    return true;                }            }            return false;        }        private string[] GetNetWorkPortQuerys(string portName)        {            return new string[]             {                @"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Advanced Port Monitor\Ports\" + portName,                @"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Standard TCP/IP Port\Ports\" + portName            };        }        private string[] GetPortQuerys(string portName)        {            return new string[]             {                @"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Advanced Port Monitor\Ports\" + portName,                @"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Local Port\Ports\" + portName,                @"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\Standard TCP/IP Port\Ports\" + portName,                @"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\USB Monitor\Ports\" + portName,                @"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\WSD Port\Ports\" + portName,            };        }        ///         /// get printer property value            /// 使用WMI查询打印机的信息,需要打开windows management instrumentation服务        ///         public string GetPrinterPropertyValue(string printerName, string propertyName)        {            string propertyValue = string.Empty;            //Query printer's portName from WIN32_Printer            string query = string.Format("SELECT * from Win32_Printer WHERE Name = '{0}'", printerName);            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);            ManagementObjectCollection managementObjects = searcher.Get();            foreach (ManagementObject managementObject in managementObjects)            {                PropertyData propertyData = managementObject.Properties[propertyName];                if (propertyData != null)                {                    propertyValue = propertyData.Value.ToString();                }            }            return propertyValue;        }        ///         /// change printer property value        ///         public void SetPrinterPropertyValue(string printerName, string propertyName, string propertyValue)        {            //Query printer's portName from WIN32_Printer            string query = string.Format("SELECT * from Win32_Printer WHERE Name = '{0}'", printerName);            ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);            ManagementObjectCollection managementObjects = searcher.Get();            foreach (ManagementObject managementObject in managementObjects)            {                PropertyData propertyData = managementObject.Properties[propertyName];                if (propertyData != null)                {                    propertyData.Value = propertyValue;                    managementObject.Put();                }            }        }        ///         /// whether the port is existed        /// 检查某个打印端口是否存在        ///         ///         ///         ///         public bool IsPortExisted(string printerName,string port)        {            string propertyName = "PortName";            string currentPort = null;            try            {                currentPort = GetPrinterPropertyValue(printerName, propertyName);                SetPrinterPropertyValue(printerName, propertyName, port);                SetPrinterPropertyValue(printerName, propertyName, currentPort);            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                return false;            }            return true;        }        ///         /// 获取打印机名字的列表        ///         public ArrayList GetPrinterNames()        {            ArrayList result = new ArrayList();            foreach (string ss in PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters)            {                result.Add(ss);            }            return result;        }        ///         /// 获取打印机状态        ///         /// 打印机名称        public PrinterStatus GetPrinterStatus(string printerName,out bool isError,out string errorDescription)        {            //init return variable            isError = false;            errorDescription = string.Empty;            PrinterStatus printerStatus = PrinterStatus.Idle;            if (IsNetWorkPrinter(printerName))            {                KeyValuePair ipPortKeyValuePair = GetPrinterIPAndPort(printerName);                PrinterCommunicate printerCommunicate = new PrinterCommunicate();                if (printerCommunicate.CheckNetWorkConnection(ipPortKeyValuePair.Key, ipPortKeyValuePair.Value))                {                    WindowsPrintQueue winowsPrintQueue = new WindowsPrintQueue();                    if (winowsPrintQueue.IsZebraPrinter(printerName))                    {                        //get actual status of zebra printer via zebra command                        if(IsPause(ipPortKeyValuePair.Key, ipPortKeyValuePair.Value))                        {                           printerStatus = PrinterStatus.Paused;                        }                        string errorMsg = string.Empty;                        if(IsError(ipPortKeyValuePair.Key, ipPortKeyValuePair.Value, out errorMsg))                        {                            isError = true;                            errorDescription = GetZebraPrinterErrorStatusDescription(errorMsg);                        }                    }                }                else                {                    //not connected                    printerStatus = PrinterStatus.Offline;                }            }            return printerStatus;        }        ///         /// determine whether the network printer is in pause.Only for zebra model printer        ///         private bool IsPause(string ip, int port)        {            string strOutMsg = null;            string zebraCommand = "^XA~HS^XZ";            PrinterCommunicate printerCommunicate = new PrinterCommunicate();            if (printerCommunicate.SendZPL_ViaNetwork(ip, port, zebraCommand, out strOutMsg))            {                //split retMsg with "\r\n"                string[] retMsgs = strOutMsg.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);                if (retMsgs != null)                {                   string retFirstMsgItem = retMsgs[0];                   string[] retFirstMsgItems = retFirstMsgItem.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);                   return "1".Equals(retFirstMsgItems[2]);                }            }            return false;        }        ///         /// determine whether the network printer is in error.only for zebra model printer        ///         ///         ///         ///         ///         private bool IsError(string ip, int port, out string strOutMsg)        {            strOutMsg = string.Empty;            string zebraCommand = "^XA~HQES^XZ";            PrinterCommunicate printerCommunicate = new PrinterCommunicate();            if (printerCommunicate.SendZPL_ViaNetwork(ip, port, zebraCommand, out strOutMsg))            {                //split retMsg with "\r\n"                string[] retMsgs = strOutMsg.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);                if (retMsgs != null)                {                    for (int i = 0; i < retMsgs.Length; i++)                    {                        string retMsgItem = retMsgs[i];                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(retMsgItem) || !retMsgItem.Contains(":")) { continue; }                        string[] retMsgItemSplited = retMsgItem.Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);                        if (retMsgItemSplited == null || retMsgItemSplited.Length == 0) { continue; }                        string errorMsg = retMsgItemSplited[1].Trim();                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg))                        {                            string errorFlag = errorMsg.Substring(0, 1);                            if ("1".Equals(errorFlag))                            {                                strOutMsg = errorMsg;                                return true;                            }                        }                    }                }            }            return false;        }        ///         /// get actual status of zebra printer via zebra command.        ///         ///         ///         ///         private string GetZebraPrinterErrorStatusDescription(string errorMsg)        {            StringBuilder status = new StringBuilder();            //error happend            string nibble1 = errorMsg.Substring(errorMsg.Length - 1, 1);            string nibble2 = errorMsg.Substring(errorMsg.Length - 2, 1);            string nibble3 = errorMsg.Substring(errorMsg.Length - 3, 1);            if (!"0".Equals(nibble1))            {                Dictionary nibble1ErrorDictionary = new Dictionary();                nibble1ErrorDictionary.Add(1, "Midea Out");                nibble1ErrorDictionary.Add(2, "Ribbon Out");                nibble1ErrorDictionary.Add(4, "Head Open");                nibble1ErrorDictionary.Add(8, "Cutter Fault");                status.Append(GetErrorDescriptionFromNibble(nibble1, nibble1ErrorDictionary));            }            if (!"0".Equals(nibble2))            {                Dictionary nibble2ErrorDictionary = new Dictionary();                nibble2ErrorDictionary.Add(1, "Printhead Over Temperature");                nibble2ErrorDictionary.Add(2, "Motor Over Temperature");                nibble2ErrorDictionary.Add(4, "Bad Printhead Element");                nibble2ErrorDictionary.Add(8, "Printhead Detection Error");                status.Append(GetErrorDescriptionFromNibble(nibble1, nibble2ErrorDictionary));            }            if (!"0".Equals(nibble3))            {                Dictionary nibble3ErrorDictionary = new Dictionary();                nibble3ErrorDictionary.Add(1, "Invalid Firmware Config");                nibble3ErrorDictionary.Add(2, "Printhead Thermistor Open");                status.Append(GetErrorDescriptionFromNibble(nibble1, nibble3ErrorDictionary));            }            string strStatus = status.ToString();            return strStatus.Substring(0, strStatus.Length - 1);        }        private StringBuilder GetErrorDescriptionFromNibble(string nibble, Dictionary statusDictionary)        {            int intNibble = Convert.ToInt32(nibble);            StringBuilder status = new StringBuilder();            if (statusDictionary != null)            {                foreach (var statusKV in statusDictionary)                {                    if ((intNibble & statusKV.Key) == statusKV.Key)                    {                        status.Append(statusKV.Value);                        status.Append(",");                    }                }            }            return status;        }    }    public enum PrinterStatus    {        Other = 1,        Unknown = 2,        Idle = 3,        Printing = 4,        Warmup = 5,        Paused = 6,        Offline = 7    }


public class WindowsPrintQueue    {        ///         /// whether the two printer is same model.        ///         ///         ///         ///         public bool IsSameModel(string printerName1, string printerName2)        {            return GetPrinterModel(printerName1).Equals(GetPrinterModel(printerName2));        }        ///         /// whether the printer is zebra model.        ///         ///         ///         ///         public bool IsZebraPrinter(string printerName)        {            string zebraModel = "ZEBRA";            return GetPrinterModel(printerName).Contains(zebraModel);        }        ///         /// Return printer model        ///         ///         ///         public string GetPrinterModel(string printerName)        {            string model = string.Empty;            System.Printing.PrintQueue printQueue = GetPrintQueue(printerName);            if (printQueue != null)            {                //Get printer model                if (printQueue.Description.IndexOf(",") == printQueue.Description.LastIndexOf(","))                {                    model = printQueue.Description.Substring(printQueue.Description.IndexOf(",") + 1,                                printQueue.Description.LastIndexOf(",") - printQueue.Description.IndexOf(",") - 1);                }                else                {                    model = printQueue.Description.Substring(printQueue.Description.IndexOf(",") + 1);                }            }            return model;        }        ///         /// Get Windows Print Queue via printer name        ///         ///         ///         public System.Printing.PrintQueue GetPrintQueue(string printerName)        {            System.Printing.PrintQueue printQueue = null;            PrintServer server = new PrintServer(printerName);            foreach (System.Printing.PrintQueue pq in server.GetPrintQueues())            {                if (pq.FullName.Equals(printerName))                {                    printQueue = pq;                }            }            return printQueue;        }        ///         /// Get Windows Print Queue via printer name        /// 如果两个printer指向的是同一个物理打印机,则如果copy1的printQueue已经打开,            ///则发送到copy2的打印job也会添加到已经打开的copy1的printQueue中.        ///         ///         ///         public System.Printing.PrintQueue GetOpenedPrintQueueOfSameModel(string printerName)        {            System.Printing.PrintQueue doorOpenedprintQueue = null;            System.Printing.PrintQueue currentPrinterPrintQueue = null;            PrintServer server = new PrintServer(printerName);            foreach (System.Printing.PrintQueue pq in server.GetPrintQueues())            {                if (pq.FullName.Equals(printerName))                {                    currentPrinterPrintQueue = pq;                }                else                {                    if (IsSameModel(printerName, pq.FullName))                    {                        if (pq.IsDoorOpened)                        {                            doorOpenedprintQueue = pq;                            break;                        }                    }                }            }            if (doorOpenedprintQueue != null)            {                return doorOpenedprintQueue;            }            else            {                return currentPrinterPrintQueue;            }        }    }