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Java 使用ftp4j实现FTP上传下载文件方法及示例代码

本文主要介绍Java中使用ftp4j实现向FTP Server服务器上传下载文件方法及示例代码。ftp4j是ftp,ftps和ftpes协议的java实现。









import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPClient;import java.io.File;/** * 该类使用FTP4j客户机库将本地机器中的文件上载到远程FTP服务器 */public class FTP_FileUpload{        public static void main(String[] args)        {                /* Check for input data */                if (args.length != 3)                {                        System.err.println("Usage: java FTP_FileUpload " + "  ");                        System.err.println("Example: java FTP_FileUpload other other");                        System.exit(1);                }                // Assignment                String ipAddress = args[0];                String userName = args[1];                String password = args[2];                System.out.println("Ip Address = " + ipAddress);                System.out.println("User = " + userName);                System.out.println("Pass = " + password);                // FTP程序操作从这里开始                FTPClient client = null;                try                {                        // 从实用程序类获取FTP连接                        client = FTPUtility.connect(ipAddress, userName, password);                        if (client != null)                        {                                try                                {                                        //定义要上载的具有完整路径的文件                                        String filePath = "sample.tar";                                        File fileUpload = new File(filePath);                                        System.out.println("Uploading the " + filePath + " to Remote Machine");                                        //上传文件                                        client.upload(fileUpload);                                        System.out.println("Successfully Uploaded the " + filePath + " File to Remote Machine");                                }                                catch (Exception e)                                {                                        System.err.println("ERROR : Error in Transfering File to Remote Machine");                                        System.exit(3);                                }                        }                }                catch (Exception e)                {                        System.err.println("ERROR : Error in Connecting to Remote Machine");                        System.exit(1);                }                finally                {                        if (client != null)                        {                                try                                {                                        client.disconnect(true);                                }                                catch (Exception e)                                {                                        System.err.println("ERROR : Error in disconnecting the Remote Machine");                                }                        }                }                System.exit(0);        }}/** * Lädt den Inhalt des InputStreams local nach remote. */private static void storeFile (String remote, InputStream local, FtpConnection con)throws IOException, FTPIllegalReplyException, FTPException, FTPDataTransferException, FTPAbortedException{boolean conWasNull = con == null;if (conWasNull)con = cons.getClient();FTPClient client = con.getFtpClient();try{client.upload(remote, local, 0, 0, null);}finally{if (conWasNull)con.setBusy(false);}local.close();}public void uploadFile(Context context,File fileName) {    FTPClient client = new FTPClient();    SharedPreferences userShare = context.getSharedPreferences("AUDIO_SOURCE", 0);    String USERNAME = userShare.getString("USERNAME", "");    String PASSWORD = userShare.getString("PASSWORD", "");    String FTP_HOST = userShare.getString("FTP_HOST", "");    Log.d("data" ,USERNAME+" "+PASSWORD+" "+FTP_HOST);    try {        client.connect(FTP_HOST);        client.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD);        client.setType(FTPClient.TYPE_BINARY);        client.changeDirectory("/");        client.upload(fileName, new MyTransferListener());    } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();        Log.e("upload Error", e.toString());        //Toast.makeText(context,"client not connected !", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();        try {            client.disconnect(true);        } catch (Exception e2) {            Log.e("upload Error", e.toString());            //e2.printStackTrace();        }    }}public void uploadFile(Context context,File fileName) {    FTPClient client = new FTPClient();    SharedPreferences userShare = context.getSharedPreferences("AUDIO_SOURCE", 0);    String USERNAME = userShare.getString("USERNAME", "");    String PASSWORD = userShare.getString("PASSWORD", "");    String FTP_HOST = userShare.getString("FTP_HOST", "");    Log.d("data" ,USERNAME+" "+PASSWORD+" "+FTP_HOST);    try {        client.connect(FTP_HOST);        client.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD);        client.setType(FTPClient.TYPE_BINARY);        client.changeDirectory("/");        client.upload(fileName, new MyTransferListener());    } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();        Log.e("upload Error", e.toString());        //Toast.makeText(context,"client not connected !", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();        try {            client.disconnect(true);        } catch (Exception e2) {            Log.e("upload Error", e.toString());            //e2.printStackTrace();        }    }}


package in.techdive.upload;import it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPClient;import java.io.File;/**这个类使用FTP4j库将文件从远程FTP服务器下载到本地机器。同时下载*文件,它注册FTP监听器,它会得到通知,一旦FTP下载操作的状态*下载完成/中止。 */public class FTP_FileDownload_WithListener{        public static void main(String[] args)        {                /* Check for input data */                if (args.length != 3)                {                        System.err.println("Usage: java FTP_FileDownload_WithListener " + "  ");                        System.err.println("Example: java FTP_FileDownload_WithListener other other");                        System.exit(1);                }                // Variable assignment                String ipAddress = args[0];                String userName = args[1];                String password = args[2];                System.out.println("Ip Address = " + ipAddress);                System.out.println("User = " + userName);                System.out.println("Pass = " + password);                //FTP程序操作从这里开始                FTPClient client = null;                try                {                        // Get the FTP Connection from the Utility class                        client = FTPUtility.connect(ipAddress, userName, password);                        if (client != null)                        {                                try                                {                                        // 定义要下载的具有完整路径的文件                                        String filePath = "D:/Sample.zip";                                        File fileDownload = new File(filePath);                                        System.out.println("Downloading the " + filePath + " to the Local machine");                                        // 下载文件                                        client.download("Sample.zip", fileDownload, new MyFTPListener());                                        System.out.println("Successfully Downloaded the " + filePath + " file from the Remote Machine");                                }                                catch (Exception e)                                {                                        System.err.println("ERROR : Error in downloading file from Remote Machine");                                        System.exit(3);                                }                        }                }                catch (Exception e)                {                        System.err.println("ERROR : Error in Connecting to Remote Machine");                        System.exit(1);                }                finally                {                        if (client != null)                        {                                try                                {                                        client.disconnect(true);                                }                                catch (Exception e)                                {                                        System.err.println("ERROR : Error in disconnecting the Remote Machine");                                }                        }                }                System.exit(0);        }}
