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废弃的 API | Node.js

Node.js 是一个基于 Chrome V8 引擎的 JavaScript 运行环境。Node.js 使用了一个事件驱动、非阻塞式 I/O 的模型,使其轻量又高效。Node.js 的包管理器 npm,是全球最大的开源库生态系统。

Node.js v8.x 中文文档



Node.js may deprecate APIs when either: (a) use of the API is considered to beunsafe, (b) an improved alternative API has been made available, or (c)breaking changes to the API are expected in a future major release.

Node.js utilizes three kinds of Deprecations:

  • Documentation-only
  • Runtime
  • End-of-Life

A Documentation-only deprecation is one that is expressed only within theNode.js API docs. These generate no side-effects while running Node.js.

A Runtime deprecation will, by default, generate a process warning that willbe printed to stderr the first time the deprecated API is used. When the--throw-deprecation command-line flag is used, a Runtime deprecation willcause an error to be thrown.

An End-of-Life deprecation is used to identify code that either has beenremoved or will soon be removed from Node.js.


From time-to-time the deprecation of an API may be reversed. Such action mayhappen in either a semver-minor or semver-major release. In such situations,this document will be updated with information relevant to the decision.However, the deprecation identifier will not be modified.

List of Deprecated APIs#

DEP0001: http.OutgoingMessage.prototype.flush#

Type: Runtime

The OutgoingMessage.prototype.flush() method is deprecated. UseOutgoingMessage.prototype.flushHeaders() instead.

DEP0002: require('_linklist')#

Type: End-of-Life

The _linklist module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative.

DEP0003: _writableState.buffer#

Type: Runtime

The _writableState.buffer property is deprecated. Use the_writableState.getBuffer() method instead.

DEP0004: CryptoStream.prototype.readyState#

Type: Documentation-only

The CryptoStream.prototype.readyState property is deprecated and should notbe used.

DEP0005: Buffer() constructor#

Type: Documentation-only

The Buffer() function and new Buffer() constructor are deprecated due toAPI usability issues that can potentially lead to accidental security issues.

As an alternative, use of the following methods of constructing Buffer objectsis strongly recommended:

DEP0006: child_process options.customFds#

Type: Runtime

Within the child_process module's spawn(), fork(), and exec()methods, the options.customFds option is deprecated. The options.stdiooption should be used instead.

DEP0007: cluster worker.suicide#

Type: Runtime

Within the cluster module, the worker.suicide property has beendeprecated. Please use worker.exitedAfterDisconnect instead.

DEP0008: require('constants')#

Type: Documentation-only

The constants module has been deprecated. When requiring access to constantsrelevant to specific Node.js builtin modules, developers should instead referto the constants property exposed by the relevant module. For instance,require('fs').constants and require('os').constants.

DEP0009: crypto.pbkdf2 without digest#

Type: End-of-life

Use of the crypto.pbkdf2() API without specifying a digest was deprecatedin Node.js 6.0 because the method defaulted to using the non-recommended'SHA1' digest. Previously, a deprecation warning was printed. Starting inNode.js 8.0.0, calling crypto.pbkdf2() or crypto.pbkdf2Sync() with anundefined digest will throw a TypeError.

DEP0010: crypto.createCredentials#

Type: Runtime

The crypto.createCredentials() API is deprecated. Please usetls.createSecureContext() instead.

DEP0011: crypto.Credentials#

Type: Runtime

The crypto.Credentials class is deprecated. Please use tls.SecureContextinstead.

DEP0012: Domain.dispose#

Type: Runtime

Domain.dispose() is deprecated. Recover from failed I/O actionsexplicitly via error event handlers set on the domain instead.

DEP0013: fs asynchronous function without callback#

Type: Runtime

Calling an asynchronous function without a callback is deprecated.

DEP0014: fs.read legacy String interface#

Type: End-of-Life

The fs.read() legacy String interface is deprecated. Use the Buffer API asmentioned in the documentation instead.

DEP0015: fs.readSync legacy String interface#

Type: End-of-Life

The fs.readSync() legacy String interface is deprecated. Use the BufferAPI as mentioned in the documentation instead.

DEP0016: GLOBAL/root#

Type: Runtime

The GLOBAL and root aliases for the global property have been deprecatedand should no longer be used.

DEP0017: Intl.v8BreakIterator#

Type: Runtime

The Intl.v8BreakIterator is deprecated and will be removed or replaced soon.

DEP0018: Unhandled promise rejections#

Type: Runtime

Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejectionsthat are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exitcode.

DEP0019: require('.') resolved outside directory#

Type: Runtime

In certain cases, require('.') may resolve outside the package directory.This behavior is deprecated and will be removed in a future major Node.jsrelease.

DEP0020: Server.connections#

Type: Runtime

The Server.connections property is deprecated. Please use theServer.getConnections() method instead.

DEP0021: Server.listenFD#

Type: Runtime

The Server.listenFD() method is deprecated. Please useServer.listen({fd: }) instead.

DEP0022: os.tmpDir()#

Type: Runtime

The os.tmpDir() API is deprecated. Please use os.tmpdir() instead.

DEP0023: os.getNetworkInterfaces()#

Type: Runtime

The os.getNetworkInterfaces() method is deprecated. Please use theos.networkInterfaces property instead.

DEP0024: REPLServer.prototype.convertToContext()#

Type: Runtime

The REPLServer.prototype.convertToContext() API is deprecated and shouldnot be used.

DEP0025: require('sys')#

Type: Runtime

The sys module is deprecated. Please use the util module instead.

DEP0026: util.print()#

Type: Runtime

The util.print() API is deprecated. Please use console.log()instead.

DEP0027: util.puts()#

Type: Runtime

The util.puts() API is deprecated. Please use console.log() instead.

DEP0028: util.debug()#

Type: Runtime

The util.debug() API is deprecated. Please use console.error()instead.

DEP0029: util.error()#

Type: Runtime

The util.error() API is deprecated. Please use console.error()instead.

DEP0030: SlowBuffer#

Type: Documentation-only

The SlowBuffer class has been deprecated. Please useBuffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size) instead.

DEP0031: ecdh.setPublicKey()#

Type: Documentation-only

The ecdh.setPublicKey() method is now deprecated as its inclusion in theAPI is not useful.

DEP0032: domain module#

Type: Documentation-only

The domain module is deprecated and should not be used.

DEP0033: EventEmitter.listenerCount()#

Type: Documentation-only

The EventEmitter.listenerCount(emitter, eventName) API has beendeprecated. Please use emitter.listenerCount(eventName) instead.

DEP0034: fs.exists(path, callback)#

Type: Documentation-only

The fs.exists(path, callback) API has been deprecated. Please usefs.stat() or fs.access() instead.

DEP0035: fs.lchmod(path, mode, callback)#

Type: Documentation-only

The fs.lchmod(path, mode, callback) API has been deprecated.

DEP0036: fs.lchmodSync(path, mode)#

Type: Documentation-only

The fs.lchmodSync(path, mode) API has been deprecated.

DEP0037: fs.lchown(path, uid, gid, callback)#

Type: Documentation-only

The fs.lchown(path, uid, gid, callback) API has been deprecated.

DEP0038: fs.lchownSync(path, uid, gid)#

Type: Documentation-only

The fs.lchownSync(path, uid, gid) API has been deprecated.

DEP0039: require.extensions#

Type: Documentation-only

The require.extensions property has been deprecated.

DEP0040: punycode module#

Type: Documentation-only

The punycode module has been deprecated. Please use a userland alternativeinstead.

DEP0041: NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE environment variable#

Type: Documentation-only

The NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE environment variable has been deprecated.

DEP0042: tls.CryptoStream#

Type: Documentation-only

The tls.CryptoStream class has been deprecated. Please usetls.TLSSocket instead.

DEP0043: tls.SecurePair#

Type: Documentation-only

The tls.SecurePair class has been deprecated. Please usetls.TLSSocket instead.

DEP0044: util.isArray()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isArray() API has been deprecated. Please use Array.isArray()instead.

DEP0045: util.isBoolean()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isBoolean() API has been deprecated.

DEP0046: util.isBuffer()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isBuffer() API has been deprecated. Please useBuffer.isBuffer() instead.

DEP0047: util.isDate()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isDate() API has been deprecated.

DEP0048: util.isError()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isError() API has been deprecated.

DEP0049: util.isFunction()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isFunction() API has been deprecated.

DEP0050: util.isNull()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isNull() API has been deprecated.

DEP0051: util.isNullOrUndefined()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isNullOrUndefined() API has been deprecated.

DEP0052: util.isNumber()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isNumber() API has been deprecated.

DEP0053 util.isObject()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isObject() API has been deprecated.

DEP0054: util.isPrimitive()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isPrimitive() API has been deprecated.

DEP0055: util.isRegExp()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isRegExp() API has been deprecated.

DEP0056: util.isString()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isString() API has been deprecated.

DEP0057: util.isSymbol()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isSymbol() API has been deprecated.

DEP0058: util.isUndefined()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.isUndefined() API has been deprecated.

DEP0059: util.log()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util.log() API has been deprecated.

DEP0060: util._extend()#

Type: Documentation-only

The util._extend() API has been deprecated.

DEP0061: fs.SyncWriteStream#

Type: Runtime

The fs.SyncWriteStream class was never intended to be a publicly accessibleAPI. No alternative API is available. Please use a userland alternative.

DEP0062: node --debug#

Type: Runtime

--debug activates the legacy V8 debugger interface, which has been removed asof V8 5.8. It is replaced by Inspector which is activated with --inspectinstead.

DEP0063: ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader()#

Type: Documentation-only

The http module ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader() API has beendeprecated. Please use ServerResponse.prototype.writeHead() instead.

Note: The ServerResponse.prototype.writeHeader() method was neverdocumented as an officially supported API.

DEP0064: tls.createSecurePair()#

Type: Runtime

The tls.createSecurePair() API was deprecated in documentation in Node.js0.11.3. Users should use tls.Socket instead.


Type: Documentation-only

The repl module's REPL_MODE_MAGIC constant, used for replMode option, hasbeen deprecated. Its behavior has been functionally identical to that ofREPL_MODE_SLOPPY since Node.js v6.0.0, when V8 5.0 was imported. Please useREPL_MODE_SLOPPY instead.

The NODE_REPL_MODE environment variable is used to set the underlyingreplMode of an interactive node session. Its default value, magic, issimilarly deprecated in favor of sloppy.

DEP0066: outgoingMessage._headers, outgoingMessage._headerNames#

Type: Documentation-only

The http module outgoingMessage._headers and outgoingMessage._headerNamesproperties have been deprecated. Please instead use one of the public methods(e.g. outgoingMessage.getHeader(), outgoingMessage.getHeaders(),outgoingMessage.getHeaderNames(), outgoingMessage.hasHeader(),outgoingMessage.removeHeader(), outgoingMessage.setHeader()) for workingwith outgoing headers.

Note: outgoingMessage._headers and outgoingMessage._headerNames werenever documented as officially supported properties.

DEP0067: OutgoingMessage.prototype._renderHeaders#

Type: Documentation-only

The http module OutgoingMessage.prototype._renderHeaders() API has beendeprecated.

Note: OutgoingMessage.prototype._renderHeaders was never documented asan officially supported API.

DEP0068: node debug#

Type: Runtime

node debug corresponds to the legacy CLI debugger which has been replaced witha V8-inspector based CLI debugger available through node inspect.

DEP0069: vm.runInDebugContext(string)#

Type: Documentation-only

The DebugContext will be removed in V8 soon and will not be available in Node10+.

Note: DebugContext was an experimental API.

DEP0070: async_hooks.currentId()#

Type: Runtime

async_hooks.currentId() was renamed to async_hooks.executionAsyncId() forclarity.

Note: change was made while async_hooks was an experimental API.

DEP0071: async_hooks.triggerId()#

Type: Runtime

async_hooks.triggerId() was renamed to async_hooks.triggerAsyncId() forclarity.

Note: change was made while async_hooks was an experimental API.

DEP0072: async_hooks.AsyncResource.triggerId()#

Type: Runtime

async_hooks.AsyncResource.triggerId() was renamed toasync_hooks.AsyncResource.triggerAsyncId() for clarity.

Note: change was made while async_hooks was an experimental API.

DEP0076: tls.parseCertString()#

Type: Documentation-only

tls.parseCertString() is a trivial parsing helper that was made public bymistake. This function can usually be replaced with:

const querystring = require('querystring');querystring.parse(str, '\n', '=');

Note: This function is not completely equivalent to querystring.parse(). Onedifference is that querystring.parse() does url decoding:

> querystring.parse('%E5%A5%BD=1', '\n', '=');{ '好': '1' }> tls.parseCertString('%E5%A5%BD=1');{ '%E5%A5%BD': '1' }

DEP0079: Custom inspection function on Objects via .inspect()#

Type: Documentation-only

Using a property named inspect on an object to specify a custom inspectionfunction for util.inspect() is deprecated. Use util.inspect.custominstead. For backwards compatibility with Node.js prior to version 6.4.0, bothmay be specified.

DEP0085: AsyncHooks Sensitive API#

Type: Runtime

The AsyncHooks Sensitive API was never documented and had various of minorissues, see https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/15572. Use the AsyncResourceAPI instead.

DEP0086: Remove runInAsyncIdScope#

Type: Runtime

runInAsyncIdScope doesn't emit the before or after event and can thuscause a lot of issues. See https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/14328 for moredetails.