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.NET(C#) 设计模式 命令模式

设计模式(Design pattern)是代码设计经验的总结。设计模式主要分三个类型:创建型、结构型和行为型。创建型是对象实例化的模式,创建型模式用于解耦对象的实例化过程,主要用于创建对象。结构型是把类或对象结合在一起形成一个更大的结构,主要用于优化不同类、对象、接口之间的结构关系。行为型是类和对象如何交互,及划分责任和算法。使用设计模式是为了可重用代码、让代码更容易被他人理解、保证代码可靠性。本文主要介绍.NET(C#) 设计模式 命令模式。

命令模式(Command Pattern)

命令模式(Command Pattern)是一种对象行为模式,分离了接受请求的对象与实现处理请求工作的对象,在软件系统中,“行为请求者”与“行为实现者”通常呈现一种“紧耦合”。但在某些场合,比如要对行为进行“记录、撤销/重做、事务”等处理,这种无法抵御变化的紧耦合是不合适的。在这种情况下,将一组行为抽象为对象,实现二者之间的松耦合。这样,已经存在的类可以保持不变,使得增加新类的工作更简单。例如,很多软件的宏命令就提高了系统的自动化程度。命令模式还可以分离用户界面和业务对象,降低系统的耦合度。

using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;namespace ConsoleApplication{    //一般每个接口或类都写在单独的.cs文件中    //本示例为了执行查看方便才写在一起      public interface IGraphCommand    {        void Draw();        void Undo();    }    public struct Point    {        public Point(int x, int y)        {            this.X = x;            this.Y = y;        }        public int X { get; set; }        public int Y { get; set; }    }    public class Line : IGraphCommand    {        private Point startPoint;        private Point endPoint;        public Line(Point start, Point end)        {            startPoint = start;            endPoint = end;        }        public void Draw()        {            Console.WriteLine("Draw Line:{0} To {1}", startPoint.ToString(), endPoint.ToString());        }        public void Undo()        {            Console.WriteLine("Erase Line:{0} To {1}", startPoint.ToString(), endPoint.ToString());        }    }    public class Rectangle : IGraphCommand    {        private Point topLeftPoint;        private Point bottomRightPoint;        public Rectangle(Point topLeft, Point bottomRight)        {            topLeftPoint = topLeft; bottomRightPoint = bottomRight;        }        public void Draw()        {            Console.WriteLine("Draw Rectangle: Top Left Point {0},  Bottom Right Point {1}", topLeftPoint.ToString(), bottomRightPoint.ToString());        }        public void Undo()        {            Console.WriteLine("Erase Rectangle: Top Left Point {0},  Bottom Right Point {1}", topLeftPoint.ToString(), bottomRightPoint.ToString());        }    }    public class Circle : IGraphCommand    {        private Point centerPoint;        private int radius;        public Circle(Point center, int radius)        {            centerPoint = center;            this.radius = radius;        }        public void Draw()        {            Console.WriteLine("Draw Circle: Center Point {0},  Radius {1}", centerPoint.ToString(), radius.ToString());        }        public void Undo()        {            Console.WriteLine("Erase Circle: Center Point {0},  Radius {1}", centerPoint.ToString(), radius.ToString());        }    }    public class Graphics    {        Stack commands = new Stack();        public void Draw(IGraphCommand command)        {            command.Draw();            commands.Push(command);        }        public void Undo()        {            IGraphCommand command = commands.Pop();            command.Undo();        }    }    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            Line line = new Line(new Point(10, 10), new Point(100, 10));            Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(20, 20), new Point(60, 30));            Circle circle = new Circle(new Point(600, 600), 200);            Graphics graphics = new Graphics();            graphics.Draw(line);            graphics.Draw(rectangle);            graphics.Undo();            graphics.Draw(circle);            Console.ReadKey();        }    }}